Memo To: The Board of Supervisors, Prince Edward County, From: Citizens for Public Education. May 31, 1965 / A list of recommendations for the 1965-66 proposed budget.
Memo To: Citizens for Public Education, Subject: Report of the Committee on School Finances. March 2, 1965 / A request for the "Planning and Financing Public School Operations in Prince Edward County" report be submitted to the school board.
April 22, 1964 Memo to the Session of College Church from Arthur M. Field, Jr. / A letter discussing the potential for a county-wide interracial study group similar to that at College Presbyterian Church, Hampden-Sydney College
June 28, 1964 Memo to the Session of College Church from Arthur M. Field, Jr. / "In response to unceasing pressure of many types and from many sources, I have decided to request the bi-racial worship and study group, which developed out of the…
February 17, 1964 Memo to the Session of College Church from Arthur M. Field, Jr. / "As we are all well aware, there is considerable concern felt in College Church over the activities of the Tuesday night study group on Presbyterian doctrine, and…
June 21, 1965 letter to the Congregation of College Church from Arthur M. Field, Jr. / Arthur M. Field's resignation letter to the Congregation of College Church / Individuals referenced: Arthur M. Field
Letter from Anthony (Tony) Sherman to Mr. (Rev.) Richard J. Keever about Mr. Sherman’s thesis manuscript “Christian Response and a Protracted Racial Crisis: A Study of Prince Edward County,” VA. August 8, 1973 / Individuals referenced: Taylor Reveley
Typewritten letter to Hon. George M. Palmer from Marvin W. Schlegel, President Prince Edward Council on Human Relations. May 20, 1965 / The letter asks for the Senator's help in obtaining support from the school board in Project Headstart /…
Concerned Citizens for Public Education Constitution / "Purpose: The general intent of this organization if to foster and promote good citizenship through informed and responsible participation in the total life of our country, as described in the…
"Plea” to local churches to appoint representatives to a committee / "We, a group of Christians who have been meeting at College Church, Hampden-Sydney, for prayer and study, respectfully urge each church in Prince Edward County, white and colored,…
February, 1964 starting “For more than a year a group of adults, who either are members of or regularly attend College Church, have been meeting…” / A letter describing the formation of the interracial study group started at College Church in the…
Typed document starting “Differences of opinion about its role in dealing with current social issues often cause tension in a church. Here, frequently, a wide gulf between pulpit and pew shows up. In many ways, the hardest thing a minister has to do,…
Citizens Organization for Public Education (COPE) Constitution / "Purpose: The general intent of this organization is to foster and promote good citizenship through informed and responsible participation in the total life of our country, as described…
Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 2. Biracial Study Group / "The Biracial Study Group met for the tenth time in the basement of College Presbyterian Church at 8:00 pm, June 2, Dr. Joseph Clower conducted a brief devotional. The Reverend Arthur Field led a…