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Rev Willie Thompson Nov 1 2017_edited.mp3
Oral history interview between Angela Way, Maryska Connolly-Brown, and Reverend Dr. William Thompson. Reverend Thompson is the former college chaplain at Hampden-Sydney, and served as pastor of College Church until 2002.

Oral history interview between Angela Way, Maryska Connolly-Brown, and Thomas H. Shomo '69. Mr. Shomo is the former director of Communications at the College, and a member of the Class of 1969.

Manuscript Antiphonal on Vellum in Latin [Italian, 1740] Elephant folio, 28 leaves; complete. Each leave being approx. 16 inches x 23 1/2 inches. The index is on the verso of the introductory page, which indicates 14 different antiphons for both theā€¦
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